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Narrative XML Tag Prompts Using Natural Language Instead of Code

You Your response included coded prompts. How about a narrative prompt using natural language instead of code for each use case?

ChatGPT Sure, there are narrative prompts that describe each use case using natural language rather than XML code:

  1. Data Interchange: Create an XML structure to represent an order in an e-commerce transaction, including the order ID, customer name, product name, quantity, and price.”

  2. Configuration Files: Design an XML format to store application settings such as window size and auto-save features, including attributes like auto-save enabled status and interval.”

  3. Document Encoding: Draft an XML document format for a corporate annual report that includes sections like title, executive summary, and detailed paragraphs.”

  4. Web Development: Outline an XML layout for an RSS feed that includes the channel title, link, description, and individual news items with titles, links, and descriptions.”

  5. Data Storage: Create an XML schema for storing employee data, including employee ID, name, department, and email.”

  6. Medical and Scientific Data: Propose an XML format for recording data in a clinical trial study, including trial name, patient details (ID, age, gender), treatment type, and outcome.”

  7. E-commerce: Formulate an XML document to represent a product catalog entry, including product ID, name, description, price, and stock quantity.”

  8. Mobile Applications: Describe an XML layout for an Android app user interface that includes a relative layout with a single text view displaying Hello World!’.”

  9. Legal and Governmental Data: Design an XML template for legislative documents, which should include law number, title, and detailed sections with subsections describing specific regulations.”

  10. Metadata Handling: Develop an XML structure to manage metadata for digital images, including fields for filename, author, copyright, and date taken.”

These narrative prompts use natural language to guide the creation of XML structures for various applications, clearly describing what each XML document should contain.

You That was also a great answer, but how can one use XML tags in a standard non-XML prompt? For example, using <description> - For a detailed description to provide context or define the response output. Or the use of <content> - For the main content to be revised, evaluated, or referenced. I’m incorporating XML tags to improve the accuracy and direction of non-code narrative prompts.

ChatGPT Using XML tags in narrative prompts that aren’t specifically about XML coding can help clarify the structure and purpose of the content you’re asking for, especially in contexts like communication with AI or other programmatically driven systems. Here’s how you might effectively use XML-like tags in such prompts:

Defining the Scope of a Response:

  • Prompt: <description> Provide a brief overview of the main events of the French Revolution.</description>
  • This tag tells the system that the information provided should be a concise and informative description, focusing purely on critical events.

Requesting Specific Analysis or Content:

  • Prompt: <content>Examine the economic impact of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic.</content>
  • Using <content> signals that the main body of the response should focus on the economic implications specified.

Clarifying Different Sections of a Request:

  • Prompt: <summary>Summarize the plot of The Great Gatsby.’</summary>``<analysis> Discuss the themes of decadence and idealism.</analysis>
  • Here, <summary> and <analysis> differentiate the parts of the request, ensuring a structured response that addresses plot and thematic elements separately.

Improving Clarity in Instructions:

  • Prompt: <instructions>Detail the steps needed to reset a router.</instructions>
  • The <instructions> tag specifies that the response should be procedural and directive, suitable for practical use.

Requesting Detailed Explanations:

  • Prompt: <explanation>Describe how a bill becomes law in the United States.</explanation>
  • This usage directs the response to not just list steps but also explain the process thoroughly.

Seeking Comprehensive Reviews or Critiques:

  • Prompt: <review> Provide a critical analysis of the film Inception,’ focusing on its narrative structure and visual effects.</review>
  • The <review> tag suggests a detailed critique with focus areas explicitly mentioned.

Asking for Specified Content Revision:

  • Prompt: <revision> Please correct and enhance the thesis statement provided below for clarity and impact.</revision> <content>The economic measures are effective to an extent</content>
  • <revision> and <content> tags separate the task (revision) from the subject matter to be revised (content).

Conclusion: Using these tags in your prompts can provide a structured and clear request, which can be particularly helpful in automated or semi-automated environments where clarity is paramount. This approach mimics how we use HTML tags to structure web content, but here, it’s used to structure requests and responses in textual interactions.

Links: Introduction to Using XML-like Tags for Enhancing Narrative Prompts

By B.E. Rodriguez, Partner, Engageably


This article was researched and drafted with the assistance of AI language models, allowing us to efficiently explore complex topics and deliver comprehensive information to our readers. While AI tools help us research and generate content, our team ensures accuracy, provides valuable insights, and incorporates expert knowledge. We cite sources where appropriate to maintain transparency and allow for further exploration of the topics discussed.

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