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List of XML Tags for Prompts

You Provide a list of relevant XML tags to be used in prompts

ChatGPT Certainly! When you’re working with XML, you might use various tags in different contexts. Here are some common and relevant XML tags you could use in prompts, depending on the application:

  1. <title> - To specify titles in documents or metadata sections.
  2. <description> - For detailed descriptions within the content.
  3. <name> - To denote names, such as person names, company names, etc.
  4. <date> - To represent dates.
  5. <item> - Often used in feeds or lists to represent individual entries.
  6. <link> - For hyperlinks.
  7. ` - To specify the author of the content.
  8. <content> - For the main content of the document.
  9. <header> - For headings or headers in documents.
  10. <footer> - For footer content, typically found at the bottom of documents.
  11. <address> - For physical or digital addresses.
  12. <email> - To specify an email address.
  13. <phone> - For phone numbers.
  14. <price> - To denote pricing information.
  15. <id> - A unique identifier for elements.
  16. <summary> - To provide a brief overview or summary of the content.
  17. <category> - To classify the content.
  18. <image> - To include images.
  19. <video> - For embedding video content.
  20. <audio> - For audio files.

Conclusion: These tags can be used to structure data in XML documents, making it easier to parse and understand. Each tag should be chosen based on the type of data it will contain and how it fits into the overall structure of the XML document.

Links: Introduction to Using XML-like Tags for Enhancing Narrative Prompts

By B.E. Rodriguez, Partner, Engageably


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