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8-Bit TMI for ChatGPT and DALL-E

Sometimes, a prompt can be too ambitious, and Chat GPT and DALL-E will attempt to organize your prompt visually.

You Create an 8-bit pixel art of the progress of computer coding. The picture should be in a horizontal 21:9 format.

The image depicts the history of computer coding divided into key eras, each marked by significant advancements and shifts in technology and programming practices:

  1. Early Coding Systems (1940s-1950s):
    • Machine Language: The earliest computers were programmed in machine language, a set of binary codes that directly controlled the hardware.
    • Assembly Language: More symbolic and human-readable than machine code, assembly language uses abbreviations or symbols to represent operations and operands.
  2. High-Level Programming Languages (Late 1950s onward):
    • Fortran and COBOL: Introduced in the late 1950s, these were some of the first high-level programming languages, allowing for more complex and portable code than assembly language.
    • C Language: Developed in the early 1970s, C brought powerful system-level access and control capabilities to high-level language programming.
  3. Object-Oriented and Structured Programming (1970s-1980s):
    • Pascal, C++, and Smalltalk: These languages introduced or refined the concept of object-oriented programming, which organized software design around data, or objects, rather than functions and logic.
  4. Internet and Web Programming (1990s):
    • HTML, JavaScript, PHP: The rise of the internet led to the development of languages and technologies specifically designed for web development.
    • Java and .NET: These platforms provided powerful environments for building cross-platform applications with strong internet integration.
  5. Modern and Advanced Programming Paradigms (2000s onward):
    • Python, Ruby, and Swift: Emphasis on ease of use, efficiency, and versatility in various applications, from web development to scientific computing.
    • Functional Programming: Languages like Scala and Haskell grew in popularity for their robustness in dealing with concurrency and their emphasis on immutability and statelessness.
  6. AI and Machine Learning Era (2010s onward):
    • TensorFlow, PyTorch: The explosion of interest in AI and machine learning has led to the development of frameworks and libraries that facilitate the creation of complex algorithms and neural network architectures.
    • Languages for AI: Python has become the dominant language in this space due to its simplicity and the vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks.

These eras reflect the evolution of coding from basic, manual, and hardware-specific instructions to highly abstract, automated, and purpose-specific languages and tools that enhance developer productivity and software capabilities.


ChatGPT Here’s the 8-bit pixel art illustrating the history of computer coding across various key eras, formatted in a horizontal 21:9 aspect ratio. You can view the image above, showing the progression from early coding systems to modern AI and machine learning technologies.

You Create an 8-bit emoji of disappointment

ChatGPT Here’s the 8-bit style emoji representing disappointment. You can view the image above, featuring a pixelated face with expressive features conveying a sense of letdown.

You Yup

ChatGPT Great! If you need anything else, just let me know!

By B.E. Rodriguez, Partner, Engageably


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