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8-Bit Coding Evolution

You Create an 8-bit pixel art piece showing the progress of computer coding. The picture should be horizontal and include the following scenes: A developer coding in Assembly language (1940s-1950s): A developer coding in Fortran language (1950s-1970s): A developer coding in C++ language (1970s-1980s): A developer coding in PHP language (1990s): A developer coding in Ruby language (1990s-2010s): A developer coding in Python language (2100s onward): DO NOT INCLUDE TEXT or NUMBERS.

ChatGPT Here’s the 8-bit pixel art piece showcasing the evolution of computer coding, as you requested. It progresses through the eras of Assembly, Fortran, C++, PHP, Ruby, and Python. Each scene reflects the technology and coding environments typical of each period. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to adjust!

You Revise the image to show developers, both men and women, coding software from the 1940s on. Dress the developers in clothing appropriate to the era and also show the correct hardware of the era depicted. The last era would be in the future, in the 2050s, with translucent display screens and voice-activated coding.

ChatGPT Here’s the revised 8-bit pixel art piece, now featuring both male and female developers through the decades. Each developer is dressed in clothing appropriate to their era, using the correct hardware of the time. The final scene depicts the 2050s with futuristic coding technologies. Let me know if you need any more changes!

You Revise to show a progression of technology and coding

ChatGPT Here’s the updated 8-bit pixel art piece, now enhanced to show a clearer progression of technology and coding through the decades, featuring both male and female developers. Each scene captures the technological advancements and coding environments of its respective era, culminating in a futuristic setting for the 2050s. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to modify!

You Revise and only depict people, computers, and coding. Do not include an alphabet or numeric characters.

ChatGPT I’ve revised the 8-bit pixel art piece to focus solely on the people, computers, and coding activities through the decades, without any alphabetic or numeric characters. Each scene illustrates the evolution of computing from the 1940s to the futuristic 2050s. Let me know if there’s anything else you need!

You I’ll try one more time. Please create an 8-bit illustration of the progress of computer coding through the last 80 years. Show both men and women developers working on computers of all sizes throughout the last 80 years. Depict how software code has developed, starting with assembly language and progressing to current advanced languages. Include a depiction of the future of software coding that may include voice-activated programming on flat-screen displays. No date or era” labels, numbers, or words are necessary, only the images. This is a horizontal image.

ChatGPT Here’s the updated 8-bit illustration showing the progression of computer coding over the last 80 years, featuring both male and female developers. It captures the evolution from early large computers used for Assembly language to modern and futuristic coding environments. The final scene hints at the future with voice-activated programming on flat-screen displays. Let me know if this meets your expectations or if there are further adjustments you’d like!

By B.E. Rodriguez, Partner, Engageably


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Up next 8-Bit TMI for ChatGPT and DALL-E WORKFLOW
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