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Web Platform Progression


You Create an ASCI Art chart that depicts our company’s journey in finding a new website platform. Our company started with WordPress, moved to Squarespace, then Webflow, and finally landed at Blot. im. The graphic will include arrows to depict the progression on different platforms. The format is as follows:

In the first box containing the word WordPress,” a line connects to a second box on the right with Plugins, Plugins, Plugins.”

An Arrow extends from the bottom of the box containing WordPress” to a second box below with the word Squarespace.” A line connects to a second box on the right with the words Everything the Same.”

An Arrow extends from the bottom of the box containing Squarespace” to a second box below with the word Webflow.” A line connects to a second box on the right with the words Beyond Our Skills.”

An Arrow extends from the bottom of the box containing Webflow” to a second box below with the word Blot.im.” A line connects to a second box on the right with the words Just Right.”

ChatGPT Here’s a detailed ASCII Art chart depicting your company’s journey in finding a new website platform, including reasons for moving from one platform to another:

This layout shows your progression from WordPress, critiqued for its excessive reliance on plugins, to Squarespace, which was too uniform, to Webflow, which was beyond your team’s skills, and finally to Blot. im, which you found to be just right. Each step includes an arrow and a brief commentary on the reason for the transition. ​

By B.E. Rodriguez, Partner, Engageably


This article was researched and drafted with the assistance of AI language models, allowing us to efficiently explore complex topics and deliver comprehensive information to our readers. While AI tools help us research and generate content, our team ensures accuracy, provides valuable insights, and incorporates expert knowledge. We cite sources where appropriate to maintain transparency and allow for further exploration of the topics discussed.

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